Schedule or Cancel an Appointment
New Patients
Use this tool to search for appointment availability with our therapists. Unfortunately, not all therapists use this tool. Some therapists prefer to schedule directly with their patients. We appologize if there are no slots available. If you do not see any availability, please submit a secure referral form to be contacted by our office.
Existing clients should use their patient portal account to request appointments with their regular provider.
Please note that when we have an active waitlist, new patient appointment requests will be declined as space is offered to the next available patient on the waitinglist. To join the waiting list, complete the New Patient Registration Form.
Existing Patients
Established clients should use the patient portal to request an appointment with their assigned therapist. Click the link below to access the patient portal.

EAP- Short-Term Brief Employee Assistance Counseling
Slots for EAP counseling are available in variable appointment times with select clinicians. At this time NMCC only accepts EAP services from CIGNA. Please note that EAP appointments are streamlined, available immediately pending availability, and not subject to the waiting list. As a result, EAP appointments are not guaranteed recurring slots and are subject to availability each week.